1. Crypto Arbitrage Monitor
The Crypto Arbitrage Monitor Software allows a trader to view arbitrage situations between different crypto currencies and altcoins and different crypto exchanges: Binance, Bitfinex, Bitmex, Bittrex, Bitstamp, CryptoFacilities, Gdax, HitBTC, Huobi, Kraken, Poloniex, YoBit in real time mode. This software also collects information and saves it into history files. Trader has possibility to export historical arbitrage situations into csv file and analyse it in MS Excel. Software shows: buy/sell exchanges names, arbitrage situation time of appearance, arbitrage situation duration currency, potential profit. Software calculates potential profits based on available volume on the top of book and considers spread and commissions.
Click to download Free Crypto Arbitrage Monitor Software
How to make this software useful for your trading?
If you collect data for couple days and then make analyze in excel to find:
- Which coins and crypto exchange show more arbitrage opportunities. You can sort data by coin name in excel and check how many arbitrage situations for particular coin and between particular exchanges
- How often the arbitrage situation appears
- How long can be period between arbitrage situation and opposite arbitrage situation
- How big volume is available of the top of the book
It is also will be useful to check information for each exchange:
- All available deposit/ withdrawal options. Why it is useful?
For example you find that between Bitstamp and Binance a lot of arbitrage situations for BTCUSD, but in one direction only (BTCUSD price on Binance 5000 and you can sell it BTC, price on Bitstamp is 4805 you can buy BTC) you can wait for opposite arbitrage situation or calculate commissions for transfer BTC from Bitstamp to Binance or to another exchange with higher price for BTC. It is only an example and you can do more complicated algorithm for your trading. It will be also useful, if balance on one exchange is low, because the profit is accumulated on another one. In this case you can make transfer in allowed currency.
Almost all exchanges allow deposit / withdrawal in BTC, BCH, XRP, LTC, ETH, but not all allow deposit / withdrawal in altcoins, like poloniex for example
2. 1st CryptoTrader Software
- Is API allowing you to make deposit/ withdrawal If exchange allows to make deposit / withdrawal via API, you can generate API keys with deposit / withdrawal possibilities and 1stCryptoTrader software.
Videos about FREE 1stCrypto Trader Prototype on several languages:
1. English
2. Русский
3. Español
4. プロトタイプ日本語
5. 原型中文版 我的国家不允许使用 Youtube: https://s3.amazonaws.com/1cryptotrader/1stCrypto-Trader-prototype-Chinese.mp4
Download 1st CryptoTrader Prototype for free
Free prototype is available for download. We recommend you to make investment in this project ICO (1stCryptoTrader), because when this software will be ready, you will need DHT. You can use these tokens to pay for the all paid services associated with the 1stCryptoTrader application – e.g., to pay commission fees for traded volume, for usage, for signal and strategy purchases, etc.
3. VIP Crypto Arbitrage Software
After you collect and analyze all information you can use VIP Crypto Arbitrage Software for fully automated trading between crypto exchanges via API. We strongly recommend using different API keys for deposits/withdrawals via 1stCryptoTrader and for Crypto Arbitrage Software.
Based on information collected from Crypto Monitor software, you can adjust Diff to Open, Diff to Close, (based on price differences) trading lot (based on available top of the book volume)
Allow Buy / allow sell – you can set based on your trading plan. If opposite arbitrage situation appears time to time and you do not want to make any transfers and want to wait, you need to check both. If opposite arbitrage situation appears not so often, you can trade one direction and make transfers.
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